Monday, June 23, 2008

Juhannus On...

Patio area near Matinkyla Beach 
Gearing up for some badminton! 
Katja and Shaun:  Sweet and Caring vs. The Goofy Gentle Giant 
My brother from another mother.

Juhannus?!  On the Saturday between June 20th and 26th, Finns celebrate Midsummer Day, the longest day of the year (Juhannus).  Second only to Christmas in importance, Finns find this day to be the unforgettable 'forgettable' holiday.  It seems that Finns love to celebrate anything that isn't a work day, which seems to come like every four days.  And with celebration comes alcohol.  So one can imagine how much 'celebration' is performed on this day and naturally we followed suit....Just Kidding!  Shaun, Katja, and I, sat out on the beach and enjoyed some snacks, a crazy man swimming in the freezing water, and friendly games of badminton.  Surrounded by God's beauty, we had a great time two days before Sunday.

As I told you before, I am responsible for quite a few jobs at EICF.  This week I helped set up, led the service, was the worship leader, and the children's minister.   Scary I know:)  But in the midst of all the chaos, God's grace and providential hand made everything flow smoothly.  

Today, after catching up on some reading, I was invited down to Helsinki to visit an Opus Dei house.  Naturally inquisitive, I agreed and was welcomed into their modest dwelling.  Honestly, I didn't know what to expect.  The last thing I had read or watched on Opus Dei was Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, where Opus Dei wasn't characterized in the best of light.  I was gladly mistaken, they were truly lovely people.  (The last picture of 'my brother' is me with a member of Opus Dei there in Helsinki)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Before I forget, if you are planning on sending me a letter or some american food, you must put this above the address I sent you:
Stewart Kouba
c/o Savolainen
(Then the Address) 

Its been exactly two weeks since I arrived in Finland and God, to say the least, is stretching me. "...For my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Cor. 12:9).  It's not about me, it's all about Him.  We are mere instruments and useless without Christ!   Am I being pushed?  Absolutely, but if I assume my strength changes lives, I am sadly mistaken.  

So I tried my apartment's sauna today.  For acquiring minds, the sauna is the trademark of Finland.  That and Santa Clause.  Just about every building in Finland houses a sauna and one has not "arrived" unless you hop in that heat tank and sweat away your worries.  Surprisingly, it was quite refreshing and an impeccable place to pray.  Right before my brain began to boil these words came to mind, "where much is given, much is required."  Yes, anxiety persists due to thoughts of failure (Devil's work), but again I am reminded, "it's not about me."  

 You are to blessed to be stressed, and too anointed to be disappointed. 
-Andrew Ginakis

Satan keeps on trying to ruin my work here in Finland, which means only one thing:  He's afraid.  Not of me, but of Christ's love.  God is doing amazing things in these northern streets, but prayer is essential.  And if you pray for Finland, please put emphasis on the young.  When you see kids as young as 9 years old smoking cigarettes you can only imagine what they are doing at 12 and 13.  This is the culture.  So please pray for these kids and our outreach efforts.  Hopefully we will see many lives changed this summer by the power of Jesus Christ!

Just a quick update.  These are some high points from the past two weeks:  Was invited to pray in the Finnish Parliament building (Which is basically equivalent to the Capital Building), went to my first charismatic meeting where prophetic words were spoken over me (I still don't know what to think about that), prayed over a demon-possessed woman, met one of the first immigrants to Finland, learning and speaking Finnish, and a slew of other events aimed at making a difference for Christ. 

By the way, if there is anything you want me to write about, please don't hesitate to ask.  Oh, I almost forgot.  The picture above is of me and a new found friend named Oscar (Jussi and Hanna's best work by far!)

Address and phone number

I am so sorry I haven't been able to write lately.  I promise to write more tonight, but for now this is my mailing address and phone number:

Mailing Address:
Nelikkotie 12 B 32
02230 Espoo

Phone number:
+358466669386 (Scary number!)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Moved In!

I have finally moved into my humble abode!  I was suppose to move in last Friday, but complications arose one after another till I was able to set up shop today.  This past Sunday was my first Sunday at EICF and what joy it was to be placed amongst such a great congregation.  EICF has two different service locations: one at 11:00 and another at 4:00.  Both very different in size, demographics, and aesthetics, but both were filled with believers yearning and longing for Christ.  I am so blessed to be called to serve with such a great body of believers.  I gave my testimony at both locations and sang the Doxology at the close of each service.  God is moving here! Please continue to pray for EICF and my ministry this summer!  

On another note, I went shopping today and learned a valuable lesson: never leave home without your pocket translator:)  I walked into the grocery store to pick up some eggs and bacon, and left an hour later with something that resembled a slab of meat and three other items I believe expired a week ago.  Anyways,  I have a big day tomorrow so I better grab some rest.  I love you guys!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Hyva Syntymapaiva! (excluding the A's double dots:)

Today I turned 24 and could not have asked for a better day! Started off as nothing special:  bought a phone card, ate some meals, picked up some keys...the usual.  Then when Shaun and I went into a restaurant called "Texas" in downtown Helsinki for dinner I knew something was up.  Greeted by church members, we ate good ol' fashion Tex-mex, the best that Finland could offer:)  After dinner we gathered in a park t0 sing Happy-B Day. My cake was in the form of an ice cream cone with one flickering candle representing my beloved days.  Presents?  Yep, and all of them, except for a wooden block game, pertained to "how to speak finnish!"  I've been obsessed with learning the Finnish language since arrival and they all caught wind of that:) 

If you are wondering about the picture, that's me studying none other than Finnish.  I know my numbers from one to a million and I hope ya'll keep me on my toes, quizzing me every now and again!  Honestly, I have so much say, but it is late and I need to get up early to take care of finnish-speaking children for six hours tomorrow!  I hope my excitement can counter the language barrier:) hyva paiva!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Jet lagged, but still going strong...

Well it's official!  I have finally set foot on Finish soil, so it is only fitting that I can start my "Suomi Chronicles!"  For those of you that are wondering what "Suomi" means, it means 'Finland' in Finnish.  I actually arrived yesterday at 9:30 p.m. (Finnish time) and after Shaun (the pastor of the church where I will be working) picked me up from the airport, escorted me to meet some of the youth from the church, and after getting situated for a good night's rest, I was a little too pooped to write my first post. Finland is eight hours ahead of Texas, so when it is 12:00 p.m. in Tejas, it is 8:00 p.m. here (Thought that you might want an example:).  I was considering posting pictures of my excursion, but I assume most people have seen the inside of airports, so I decided to pass.  On the upside, today was incredible!  I was able to meet some locals, and even managed to squeeze a game of frisbee golf in my "day of jet lag!"  So goodnight, and I look forward to writing more in the coming days!
